Hebrews 4:12, NIV
God is not distant and aloof. He doesn't give us the cold shoulder but speaks to us - through His Word and Spirit. We don't have to guess what is on God's mind or beg Him to tell us what His will is for us. His thoughts are recorded in the Bible, which is alive and active today. The Bible was written in antiquity, but it is no dusty tome that is irrelevant to what is happening today.
As much as I pray that God's Word will be a huge part of your life, I must also warn you. Beware when you open your Bible. Like a mighty warrior's sword, it is razor sharp and cuts from both sides. Any of us who have read God's Word know firsthand what a source of joy and comfort it is. But we likewise know it cuts to the core. It cuts through excuses and attitudes of pride. God's Word always goes to the heart of the matter. God loves us enough to correct us and bring us back on course when we have gotten off His path for our lives
Yes, it's true, God's Word can hurt. Never wield it carelessly. Read it in awe, knowing that God is penetrating your spirit and soul with wisdom, comfort, healing, correction - and all the truth you need in life.
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Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Thank you, heavenly Father, that you speak words of life into my soul and spirit through the pages of my Bible.
Revealing Jesus.
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