I don't know about you, but I have been thinking quite a lot lately about the things which I have, and the general drive for consumption which affects most of us. It's easy and convenient to generalise, and talk about 'our society' but in fact 'our society' includes me and if I'm honest I can easily get swept along with the urge for a 'retail splurge' on things which I don't actually need, and I definitely can over-do the eating..! (As a result of which I then have to over-do the gym, which is a whole other issue.)
So to go back to my opening question - do you give something up for Lent? If so, are you really finding yourself bored with doing the 'same old thing' every year?
Or are you one of those who doesn't really think much of 'giving stuff up for Lent', dismissing the whole idea as pointless, so ignores it.
What about doing something different this year?
A Place at the Table is a challenge to do just that. It's not simply about giving up chocolate or whatever, but about connecting in a far more fundamental way with those who have less than we do. And that's a lot of people. Even for those of us who don't consider ourselves rich.
So I will be taking up the 40 day A Place at the Table challenge through Lent 2012. And as well as eating and drinking differently, I plan to adjust my 'aquisition focus' - meaning that I plan to reduce my consumption in general, especially during Lent, and take the chance to value what I already have and be thankful for it.
The idea of starting is quite scary actually. I'm already afraid that I'll mess it up at some stage. But I'm going to start out anyway, and see where the journey takes me. Lysa Terkeurst (author of Made to Crave) says of the challenge that it is "a place to stop the rut of constant inhale. Taking in, taking in, taking in. It clogs the soul. So for 40 days, let us learn to exhale with great thanksgiving... For pondering what God might bring close... For this place where our souls breathe and dream once again." That sounds good to me. I'll let you know how I get on.
By the way, I am hoping that lots of people will be joining in with the 'A Place at the Table' challenge, and would love to hear from anyone taking part, via the comments on this blog, or via twitter or our soon to be launched Facebook page.
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