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I saw a Chinese woman carrying a bundled baby…
I couldn’t get to her fast enough. I opened my arms, flew toward the woman, and took the baby. Tears poured down my face. I couldn’t believe that this was my child. I stared down at her, crying over and over, “This is my baby!”
In that moment, time stopped. It was like God was speaking to me directly. “Mary Beth, you thickheaded woman, do you not understand now that this is the very way I see you? You are this orphan! I adopted you and you are Mine! I bought you for a price! Do you see how you love this baby? That’s just a faint reflection of how much I love you! You didn’t have a name, and I gave you a name. You did nothing to deserve my love, and I love you anyway. You had no hope, no future, and now you are the daughter of the King!”
I saw it. The second she was placed in my arms, I would have fought to the death to protect her. I loved her with everything inside of me.
“Do you get it now?” God was saying to me. Under the blanket, this baby was wrapped in rags. She was poor. She didn’t smell good. She was hungry. There was nothing about her that had “earned” my love. But I loved her powerfully, deeply, absolutely. Period.
I got it.
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140 Million Orphans
There are about 140 million orphans in the world today. As we became aware of their needs, we read our Bibles with fresh eyes. We saw all the times that the Bible talks about both orphans and adoptions. In Steven’s music and in the platforms God gave us, we started talking more about them as well.
If there was ever an issue that followers of Jesus should be all about, it would be caring for orphans in their distress.
Book details and sample chapters
UK paperback edition just published!
Price: £7.99
ISBN: 9780800719920
Available via all good bookshops, or on-line.
Mary Beth's blog
Information on 'Show Hope', the charity established by the Chapmans.
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