Yet as well as The Hiding Place Corrie wrote several other books, one of which was a collection of short devotionals for each day of the year.
You know a book is saying something of value when it stands the test of time. Each New Day was originally published thirty-six years ago. It has been reprinted more than a dozen times since.
Corrie wrote of it, "A person is either a missionary or a mission field. Sometimes I wrote for Christians who know that they are called to be a light of the World. On other days God gave me a message about what it means to come to him... I know that the Lord gave me these words. They are from him who loves you and who spoke through me to you."
Here is the entry for 9 October (the date on which I prepared this post):
There are great lessons to learn concerning faith and the nature of character of faith when you read in the Bible about the disciples. I am grateful for the record of every mistake they ever made and for every blunder they committed. I see myself in them. The Bible speaks the truth and shows and pictures every human frailty.
And he said to them, "Why are you afraid, O men of little faith?" Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.
Matthew 8: 26 RSV
Lord, thank you that you do not ask a great faith, but faith in a great God.