The Four Personalities according to Hippocrates (ca. 400 BC):
The Popular Personality: Sanguine Fun, outgoing, optimistic… but disorganized and too chatty.
The Powerful Personality: Choleric Goal-orientated, born leader, confident … but bossy and insensitive
The Perfect Personality: Melancholy Deep, thoughtful, organized … but negative and often depressed
The Peaceful Personality: Phlegmatic Pleasant, easy-going, adaptable … but indecisive and unmotivated.
To find out which personality type you are, try our abridged version of the test from Personality Plus. Place an X in front of the word (or words) on each line that most often applies to you.
Strengths: 1. ___Adventurous ___Adaptable ___Animated ___Analytical 2. ___Persistent ___Playful ___Persuasive ___Peaceful 3. ___Submissive ___Self-sacrificing ___Sociable ___Strong-willed 4. ___Considerate ___Controlled ___Competitive ___Convincing 5. ___Refreshing ___Respectful ___Reserved ___Resourceful
Weaknesses: 6. ___Blank ___Bashful ___Brassy ___ Bossy 7. ___Undisciplined ___Unsympathetic ___Unenthusiastic ___Unforgiving 8. ___ Reticent ___Resentful ___Resistant ___Repetitious 9. ___Fussy ___Fearful ___Forgetful ___Frank 10. ___Impatient ___Insecure ___Indecisive ___Interrupts
Now score your answers on this scoring sheet: 1. (PC) Adventurous (PP) Adaptable (PS) Animated (PM) Analytical 2. (PM) Persistent (PS) Playful (PC) Persuasive (PP) Peaceful 3. (PP) Submissive (PM) Self-sacrificing (PS) Sociable (PC) Strong-willed 4. (PM) Considerate (PP) Controlled (PC) Competitive (PS) Convincing 5. (PS) Refreshing (PM) Respectful (PP) Reserved (PC) Resourceful 6. (PP) Blank (PM) Bashful (PS) Brassy (PC) Bossy 7. (PS) Undisciplined (PC) Unsympathetic (PP) Unenthusiastic (PM) Unforgiving 8. (PP) Reticent (PM) Resentful (PC) Resistant (PS) Repetitious 9. (PM) Fussy (PP) Fearful (PS) Forgetful (PC) Frank 10. (PC) Impatient (PM) Insecure (PP) Indecisive (PS) Interrupts
Work out which personality type you have most matches with: PS Popular Sanguine PC Powerful Choleric PM Perfect Melancholy PP Peaceful Phlegmatic
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